Making your concept reality... fast
Making your concept reality... fast

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Listed below each package are the products that are included as standard. Any excluded products can be added as an extra to the package when ordering.

Digital package



Printed package

£105 (save £30)


Business package

£180 (save £60)


Contractor package

£160 (save £35)

Select Select Select Select

Included with all packages:

Ready to Trade Company Yes Yes Yes Yes
Formation within 3-4 hours * Yes Yes Yes Yes
No paperwork required Yes Yes Yes Yes
Digital Certificate of Incorporation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Digital Share Certificates Yes Yes Yes Yes
Digital Memorandum & Articles of Association Yes Yes Yes Yes
Companies House filing fee worth £50 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Free business bank account with £40 cashback Yes Yes Yes Yes
Administration portal to manage your company Yes Yes Yes Yes
Expert help at the end of the phone to help if you get stuck Yes Yes Yes Yes

Included with each package:

Digital Minutes of First Board Meeting No Yes Yes Yes
Digital Company Register with First Entries No Yes Yes Yes
Printed Certificate of Incorporation No Yes Yes No
Printed Share Certificates No Yes Yes No
Printed Memorandum & Articles of Assocation No Yes Yes No
Printed Minutes of First Board Meeting No Yes Yes No
Printed Company Register with First Entries No Yes Yes No
Confirmation Statement (preparation and filing) No No Yes Yes
VAT Registration with HMRC No No Yes Yes
PAYE Registration with HMRC No No Yes Yes
* This is subject to Companies House workload and their internal turnaround times.